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DEPARTS: 08h00 (Hotel)
DURATION: Approx. 9 hrs

Paul (your driver, guide and host), takes you on a journey through his life, from his birth place on the Cape Flats, to his present home in the Winelands (ending with a wine tasting to celebrate life!).

Experience, first hand, the challenges children face growing up in the “Colored” communities, visit schools and interact with the people, and also share your experiences. LIFE IS ALL ABOUT LEARNING!!!

COST: R550 p/p
The term Cape Flats refers to a flat, sandy stretch of land which is located on the outskirts of the city of Cape Town. It is here that people of colour were relocated to, in terms of the infamous Group Areas Act. It was an artificial creation, based on the sick notion that people of colour (non-whites in "old South Africa" language) should not be allowed to live in the more upmarket areas i.e. close to town and their places of work. Thus, people from widely divergent backgrounds and experiences, were uprooted from their communities and thrown together in the wasteland that has become known as the Cape Flats.

Despite the way in which the Cape Flats was created and the harsh conditions under which people have to struggle for survival, there is a vibe that is unique to the Cape Flats- a vibe that has emerged, as new communities were forged and as people learnt to "make the best of a bad situation". The single most important characteristic of the Cape Flats, is its people. Visitors to the Flats often talk about the "Cape sense of humour"- the ability of the people who live on the Flats to see the funny side of every situation.
Interesting Facts
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community accomodation network